Hello Frits !!
When I heard you were retiring , I have had mixed emotions. On the one hand, I wish you and your wife all the best for your retirement, but on the other hand, I'm sad that you are leaving Safmarine at a time when you are adding value.
I fondly remember the pride you showed, when you took many of us on the walking tour of Antwerp. I remain amazed at how well you know your beloved city. The many glasses of wine, the great beer and of course the good food we shared on my many trips to Antwerp.
Frits, many thanks for your friendship. Once again, I wish you and your wife well for your retirement, and hope there will be a day when our paths will cross again.
Kevin Simpson
Business Development Manager
IBM Global Technology Services
Tel: +27 21 4025822 Mobile: +27 78 4577 201
Fax: +27 21 4463159
Email: simpson@za.ibm.com